Doolin delights in "fantastic" performance


Cork City manager Paul Doolin was in jubilant and talkative mood following his side’s thumping three nil victory over St.Patrick’s Athletic at Richmond Park tonight.

Observing the game Doolin admitted: “I thought we were fantastic when we had to be, particularly early on. It’s not an easy place to come, so I’m delighted with the result.” Adding: “Most of the results we’ve had have been on the road which is fantastic.”

Then looked to the future with real optimism: “I feel personally it’s only a new group of players plus I’m new and Tommy’s new and we still have a bit of work to do but it’s been great.”

Doolin was hesitant to proclaim his exciting side as title challengers however: “I couldn’t even tell you where we’ll be at the end of the season but what I would say at the moment they’re (the players) certainly showing that consistency but there’s a long way to go. So we certainly don’t think we’ve won the league.”

“There’s always that Cork thing, that sort of ruthlessness they have. So hopefully it can continue. “he said.

The former Drogheda manager saved particular praise for his midfield pairing of Colin Healy and Joe Gamble before offering some kind of empathy for his opposite number Jeff Kenna: “I’ve been in a position something similar when I went to Drogheda and I felt there was a number of managers who were very unprofessional towards me and the one thing I would say is never be unprofessional.”

Commenting: “I think Jeff Kenna has had a fantastic career as a player and I’m sure he can draw on that experience to get himself through it, if it (management) was easy anyone could do it. I always stick up for managers because it is a nasty business, I’m sure he’ll get through it.”

Next up for Doolin and his Rebel Army is fellow title challengers Derry City at Turners Cross.